Fingal Head Context Update

The initial Fingal Head Context Paper was prepared by the Tweed Shire Council in 2019 and can be viewed here: Fingal Head Context Paper

The Fingal Head Context paper presented an overview of the attributes, opportunities and constraints to development within the Fingal Head locality.
Its purpose is to provide background information to the community so they have a good understanding of the issues, and can make informed decisions when providing feedback on the direction and outcomes of the Fingal Head Locality Plan (FHLP).
The context paper provides a history and a current snap shot of the Fingal Head locality in terms of:

  • Social and community considerations
  • Environmental Hazards
  • Environmental Attributes
  • Heritage context
  • Local and Regional context
  • The Legislative planning framework. The final section also describes the purpose of a community vision, how it might be developed, and gives examples of visions from other communities.

Why Update the Fingal Head Context Plan
The Fingal Head Community Planning Team has conducted this Context Update of the 2019 document to ensure its relevance to present-day environmental hazards and external factors that are currently affecting the Fingal Head Community.

The following elements have been added or edited to the initial context plan:

  • Flooding
  • Planning for Climate Change
  • Tidal Inundation
  • Coastal Erosion
  • Water Restrictions
  • Aircraft Noise
  • Visitors
  • Community Resilience
  • Tweed Shire Growth
  • Tweed Destination Management Plan