Fingal Head Community Association Inc.
What we do:
The FHCA promotes and represent the interests of Fingal Head in all matters including those impacting upon the Tweed community and environs;
- Provide leadership and support for the maintenance, management and enhancement of the local environment;
- Support and assist Fingal Head residents in advocating their concerns;
- Ensure the village character is maintained;
- Promote and work to conserve the history and culture and assets of Fingal Head including the management of the impact of visitors;
- Liaise with all levels of government and other parties as required including the preparation of submissions and related representation;
- Provide effective information and communication within the Fingal Head community;
- Work collaboratively and develop effective linkages with other relevant bodies.

Our community representation:
The FHCA has representation on the following committees and actively works on behalf the Fingal Head community:
- TSC Stakeholder Meetings for community leaders with the TSC Council representatives.
- Tweed Coast and Waterway’s Committee advising on the health of local beaches and waterway.
- Gold Coast Airport Aircraft Noise Abatement Consultative Committee (ANACC)
- Gold Coast Airport Community Aviation Consultation Group (CACG)
- NSW local representation for the Tweeds River Entrance Sand Bypass Project (TRESBP), appointed by the Minister.
- FHCA has a seat on the special consultative forum of the Tweed Shire Growth Management and Housing Strategy (GMHS) Project Strategy Group.
- In 2021 FHCA participated in the Tweed Regional City Action Plan with the NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment as part of the North Coast Regional Plan 2036.
Our Community Initiatives:
As volunteers the FHCA committee is actively involved in the planning, promotion and implementation of community projects and initiatives:
- The FHCA will establish a subcommittee, known as the Fingal Head Community Planning Team (FHCPT) in accordance the FHCA Constitution to support the Fingal Head Community in preserving, protecting, and improving Fingal Head through the development and ongoing maintenance and update of the 20-year Fingal Head Community Plan.
- The FHCA will establish a subcommittee, known as the Fingal Head Community Action Team (FHCAT) in accordance with the FHCA Constitution with members of the community that lead and work-in all stages of the prevention, preparedness’s, response and recovery of any community-based hazard.
- planning and coordination of a International Women’s Day function
- ‘Clean Up Australia’ annual planning and coordination of this event on the Fingal Head peninsular
- FINGAL FLYER compilation, publication and circulation of the local newsletter for all community households
- Residential development application review and comment to TSC as required.
- Support community projects as required e.g. the Coast Care Fingal Headland restoration project
- FingalHead.com website development and maintenance on behalf of all community organisations.