Latest Past Events

Annual General Meeting & April General Meeting

Fingal Head Public School 1 Prince Street, Fingal Head

Hello FHCA Members The AGM for FHCA is scheduled for Wednesday 17 April 2024 commencing 7:00pm at the Fingal Head Public School, MP Unit. The AGM will be followed at 7:30pm by the April Bi-monthly General meeting. 

International Womens Day

International Women's Day theme is to be advised. Further event details to be advised.

Clean Up Australia Day

Sunday 3 March is our Clean Up Event for Fingal Head.  Your efforts are always welcome and any amount of time you can contribute is appreciated. All volunteers will need to sign-in at the gazebo located on Letitia Road near the TSC campground entrance. Please circulate this community activity with your friends and neighbours and invite …

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