Flood Preparation
The preparation for floods is something that the Fingal Head community should be used to.
However just as a reminder please find the following list of suggestions. If you would like to add to this list please send details to Fhcamail@gmail.com.
- Procure water and food for a number of days
- Lift and Prepare furniture and goods
- Relocate cars from flood zone to safe, high areas
- ensure all roof drains and downpipes are clear and functional
- charge batteries for phones, lights in case of power outage
- prepare generators and locate above flood levels in house / on decks
- identify external ground surface drains and consider rain drainage and river back flow during a flood. Block surface drains (black plastic and sandbags) when flood coming in as floods coming in will back flow through drains causing early road closures, and pre-mature during minor floods. As flood goes down remove sand bags and plastic to open storm drainage.
- block toilets which maybe flooded with sandbags to prevent sewage back flow.
- tie down garbage bins,
- secure boats with bungs in or out!!
- tie down gas bottles, loose bottles can float away and rip out gas plumbing
- Based on assessment of the building areas in the flood zone, open some non sealable, ground level areas / garage doors for water to flow in / flow out e.g. buildings with FC sheeting / timber walls.
- isolate electricity switchboards for likely flood areas
- store chemicals above possible flood levels, petrol, oils, paints, turps, insecticides
- remove underfloor water tank pumps, subfloor ventilation below possible flood levels
Also see the SES Guide to Preparing for Storms and Floods.
Being prepared, knowing where to find trusted information during emergencies, and checking in with friends and neighbours helps us to feel more in control. For the latest Updates: Website: Homepage | NSW SES.
Have you downloaded the “ Hazards near me “ APP to keep up to date. If you haven’t now’s the time . Here is the link. Hazards Near Me app / NSW
If you would like to look online at the hazards near me here is the link; HazardWatch / Online
Above all else, please stay safe!