Fingal Head Context Update

The initial Fingal Head Context Paper was prepared by the Tweed Shire Council in 2019 and can be viewed here: Fingal Head Context Paper

The Fingal Head Context paper presented an overview of the attributes, opportunities and constraints to development within the Fingal Head locality.
Its purpose is to provide background information to the community so they have a good understanding of the issues, and can make informed decisions when providing feedback on the direction and outcomes of the Fingal Head Locality Plan (FHLP).
The context paper provides a history and a current snap shot of the Fingal Head locality in terms of:

  • Social and community considerations
  • Environmental Hazards
  • Environmental Attributes
  • Heritage context
  • Local and Regional context
  • The Legislative planning framework. The final section also describes the purpose of a community vision, how it might be developed, and gives examples of visions from other communities.

Why Update the Fingal Head Context Plan
The Fingal Head Community Planning Team has conducted this Context Update of the 2019 document to ensure its relevance to present-day environmental hazards and external factors that are currently affecting the Fingal Head Community.

The following elements have been added or edited to the initial context plan:

  • Flooding
  • Planning for Climate Change
  • Tidal Inundation
  • Coastal Erosion
  • Water Restrictions
  • Aircraft Noise
  • Visitors
  • Community Resilience
  • Tweed Shire Growth
  • Tweed Destination Management Plan

Fingal Head Community Plan – Background

Locality planning is an integral aspect of Tweed Shire Council’s strategic land use planning, involving detailed reviews and development of plans to guide compatible growth in line with the community’s vision. Several locality plans have been completed for areas such as Pottsville, Hastings Point, Cabarita Beach, and Kingscliff, with development controls outlined in the Tweed Development Control Plan (DCP).
In April 2019, Tweed Shire Council (TSC) initiated an extensive community engagement program to begin the preparation of the Fingal Head Locality Plan. The process included the preparation of the Fingal Head Context Paper, followed by three community consultation sessions, providing opportunities for residents, and stakeholders to contribute their ideas and perspectives.
To ensure broader participation, an online survey was made available on YourSayTweed, the council’s consultation website. This survey mirrored the questions asked during the face-to-face sessions, allowing respondents to provide input at their convenience over four weeks.
The Fingal Head Locality Plan Community Feedback and Vision Options were presented in May 2019, with the plan intended for final exhibition in early 2020 and adoption in July 2020. However, due to the impact of COVID-19 and changes in the New South Wales state planning framework, progress on the plan was halted.

The results of this 2019 effort can be viewed on the tweed Shire Council website links below:

Future of Fingal Head

Prepared by Tweed Shire Council 2019

Fingal Head Context Paper prepared by the Tweed Shire Council in 2019 can be viewed at the above link to the Future of Fingal Head.

Fingal Head Locality Plan, Feedback and Vision Options prepared by the Tweed Shire Council in 2019 can be viewed at the above link to the Future of Fingal Head.

Preparing the Fingal Head Community Plan
Looking ahead, in 2023, the Fingal Head Community Association (FHCA) established a subcommittee to develop the Fingal Head Community Plan (FHCP). This plan will be centred around the principles of preserving, protecting, and improving Fingal Head, covering a 20-year forward period and setting priorities for projects and plans within that timeframe.
The planning team responsible for the FHCP will operate independently from other interest groups in the community, guided by its own charter and focusing on what is best for the overall well-being of the Fingal Head community.

Why did we choose a Community Plan in lieu of a Locality Plan?

  1. A locality plan typically refers to a document or strategy that outlines the development and management of a specific geographic area or locality. It may cover various aspects such as land use, infrastructure, transportation, environmental protection, and community facilities within that area.
    Locality plans aim to guide the growth and development of a specific region while considering the unique characteristics and needs of that locality.
  2. A Community Plan, also known as a Local Community Plan or Neighbourhood Plan, focuses on addressing the specific needs, priorities, and aspirations of a particular community or neighbourhood within a larger jurisdiction, such as a local council or municipality. It is a planning document that reflects the unique characteristics, challenges, and opportunities of that specific community.
    A Community Plan typically involves community engagement and consultation processes to gather input from residents, organisations and other stakeholders. It identifies the community’s goals, strategies, and actions to enhance the quality of life, social well-being, and physical environment of the neighbourhood. It may cover areas such as local infrastructure, community services, land use, heritage preservation, environmental initiatives, and economic development specific to that community.

The Fingal Head Community Planning Team (FHCPT) has adopted the Community Plan model as it is a more localised and tailored planning document focused on the specific needs and priorities of a particular community or neighbourhood within a larger jurisdiction i.e., Tweed Shire Council. There are limited new growth opportunities in Fingal Head, due to designated flooding zones with no additional, new land / residential development opportunities, with designated or pre-existing commercial lots. 

Fingal Head Community Planning Team

The Fingal Head Community Planning Team (FHCPT) has been established to support the Fingal Head Community in preserving, protecting, and improving Fingal Head.

FHCPT will be made up of local volunteers and include the involvement of all groups within the community including:

  • Residents of the Fingal Head community
  • Fingal Head Community Association (FHCA)
  • Fingal Head Coastcare
  • Rovers Surf Club
  • Primary School and P&C
  • Sailing Club
  • Local businesses, etc.

The role of the FHCPT is to:

  • Develop, maintain and update a 20-year Community Plan;
  • Identify and scope out projects aligned with the plan;
  • Liaise with the Tweed Shire Council (TSC);
  • Communicate with Fingal Head Community about project progress and community plan updates;
  • Seek funding as required,
  • Facilitate, and potentially coordinate, the execution of projects

The FHCA has formally established the FHCPT as a subcommittee of FHCA to allow the FHCPT to operate in a legally compliant and responsible manner, for the short-term at least.

Fingal Head Community Plan

The FHCP, (also known as a Local Community Plan or Neighbourhood Plan), is a planning document that reflects the unique characteristics, challenges, and opportunities of the Fingal Head community over the next 20 years with specific emphasis on actions to enhance the quality of life, social well- being, and physical environment of the neighbourhood. It may cover areas such as local infrastructure, community services, land use, heritage preservation, environmental initiatives, and economic development specific to that community.

The FHCP is an evolving document that is initiated, managed and maintained by the Fingal Head Community Planning Team (FHCPT), a subcommittee of the Fingal Head Community Association (FHCA). The document should always reflect the current views, characteristics, challenges and opportunities affecting the Fingal Head community.

The TSC must approve the Fingal Head Community Plan prior to its adoption within the council.

Vision and Community Values

During 2019, the community in conjunction with the Tweed Shire Council collaborated and commenced the Fingal Head Locality Plan. The consultation process included the determination of a preferred vision (Option 4) for our community.

As part of the current process, the community will be consulted to ensure that the 2019 Vision and Community Values remain the preferred statements.

FHCPT Mission

The FHCPT will work with the Fingal Head community (including stakeholders), all levels of government agencies and private sector parties to deliver / (to facilitate the development of) short and long term projects to better protect, preserve and improve Fingal Head.

FHCPT Structure

Your Say – Fingal Head Resident Survey

Fingal Head Community Engagement – Resident Survey

Following up from our Fingal Head, Community Plan update distributed last year, we are now progressing with our community consultation inviting all residents to complete the following questionnaire, to share your personal views about our community vision and values, and to list the projects we need to undertake to preserve, protect and improve our community for residents and our visitors. 

Please complete and return your questionnaire to Mimmi’s café near the Surf club or email to FHCA fhcamail@gmail.com by 9th September 2024.

For further information regarding the Fingal Head Community Planning Team please refer to:
Fingal Head Community Planning Team

For further information regarding the Fingal Head Community Plan please refer to:
Fingal Head Community Plan – Background